Thursday, August 11, 2016

Create Your 2D Class Blog

oday we will each use blogger to create our own blog for this class.

You will upload projects and document your progress as you work throughout the semester. This is where you will also upload your final portfolio.

You automatically have an account in blogger because you have your school google account. You will use the same login and password as your Ozark google mail.

We'll do this together and i will walk you through the process. Hint... if you took my Art foundations class last year then you've already done this! 

Let's get started! 

Create a new blog and create the web address in the following format:


for example: johnnyc2dfall15

You may title the blog however you'd like.

Next, create a new post. Title it Elements and principles of Design. Then add a link to a web resource that describes the Elements and Principles of Design.

We'll discuss these elements and principles next class. be prepared to participate.

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